Mechanical Engineering: Info and writing guide for the curious student

What is a Mechanical Engineer?

I bet you have asked yourself that question at least once in your life. If not, you probably haven't thought about becoming an engineer at all. A mechanical engineer is an engineer dedicated to the movement, motion, or other uses of everyday items. Essentially, if it moves, a Mechanical Engineer touched it, designed it, built it, inspected it, or repaired it. According to, "If something moves or uses energy, a mechanical engineer was probably involved in its design or production."

Mechanical engineering is the widest discipline of engineering, thus making it both the easiest and hardest to explain. Mechanical engineers can be designers of a product, be consultants on a job, the manufacturer of the product, quality assurance for the product, repairing technicians for a product, among other things. Mechanical Engineers can use their problem solving knowledge to become managers, lawyers, politicians, and other leadership positions, in addition to staying in the field of engineering.

Mechanical engineers usually have to go through much training and school before they can work in the real world. On top of that, Mechanical Engineers have to stay on top of new technologies that come out, otherwise their skills may become antiquated.

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